Several weeks ago the Perimetr nuclear response system issued a faulty launch order to the Project 941 class submarine Golova Molot. The captain of the sub, Yevgeny Legzdin, has been disregarding instructions to return to port, and the primary theory is that he is preparing to launch the sub’s complement of nuclear weapons. To that end, the USS Constellation, CVW-20, The 8th Air Force, NATO, and Sweden have gone on high alert and the 135th Army Surgical Hospital has deployed to Banak in preparation for the operation.
The plan is as follows: right now, the Molot is still in the Polyarny inlet and while it’s in shallow waters it’ll be simple enough to sink it. The problem is that it’s in close proximity to the naval base at Murmansk. Thankfully, the Royal Norwegian Navy was able to lure out and disable some of the larger heavy hitters like the Kalinin and the Kiev, however Molot is likely to leave Polyarny shadowed by a escort. said escort is likely to include some cruisers and destroyers. CVW-20 Aircraft will depart from the Constellation, and 8th Air Force Aircraft will depart from Banak. The remaining attack will involve
Warrior flight performing CAP to both defend the carrier, and ensure a clear air picture. Be mindful of the fact that Murmansk is home to some of the most advanced aircraft in the soviet arsenal, so CAP will need to be on it’s absolute best.
Shark flight will engage the ships escorting the Molot. With any luck, they’ll be able to force the Molot to surface which will provide ample opportunity for the helicopters to sink it.
Dipper flight will perform SEAD in the most dangerous air defense zone in the world. Have fun.
Blackbird flight will Strike at the ships still in harbor at Murmansk in order to prevent them from joining the fight.
Personnel wishing to hunt the sub, please select a helicopter on event signup. You will be accomidated.
Weapons and Aircraft will be limited to earlier than 1989.