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OP Plan 101224

The following operation is to be conducted as a part of Operation Liberty Forge. The general purpose of this strike will be to significantly diminish and temporarily disable the operating capabilities of the Gudauta airbase. To that end, the following two package mission has been planned.

Tiger flight will operate F-4E Phantoms, loaded with BLU-107 Durandal anti runway weapons on their center and inboard pylons. They will depart from Batumi International Airport and approach Kobuleti. At Kobuleti they will circle the airfield and await Rattlesnake flight. To maximize the performance of the Durandal, they will approach the IP at 500 ft ASL and at 400Kts. From their IP they will fly runway heading over runway 33 and release their weapons over the runway in Laydown - L Mode. Tiger will then turn and exfil direct south and RTB to Batumi, following an exit altitude at FL310. Ideally Tiger will not break from a close formation, but in an emergency scenario, they will carry AIM-7M Sparrows. They WILL NOT be able to carry AIM-9 Sidewinders.

Tiger 2 Will be a more generalized Strike package with a mixed aircraft configuration, so that additional targets of opportunity can be selected along the airfield

Anaconda flight will operate F/A-18C Hornets in a combined CAP/SEAD configuration. In order to accomplish this they will carry 2 AIM-9M Sidewinders on their wingtip pylons, 4 AIM-7MH Sparrows on their outboard wing pylons and cheek hardpoints, and 2 AGM-88 HARMS on their inboard wing pylons, as well as 1 300lb centerline fuel tank. They will depart from USS Kitty Hawk and travel to Kobuleti Airport where they will regroup with Tiger flight. Anaconda 1 will then call “Salmon” over taccom to signify both flights are in position. Upon Tiger 1’s report of “Grizzly”, Anaconda will climb to planned altitude block of FL200 to FL300, and will proceed direct to target. Anaconda will clear any airborne or surface to air threats in the area to defend Tiger flight. Given that Tiger will be operating at low altitude and high speed, the use of TALDs has been deemed unnecessary. Upon Tiger’s call of Yosemite, Anaconda will exit the Area of operations and will RTB.

RADIO CALLS - Conduct limited radio communications on 270.3 MHZ

Montana - Tiger has departed Batumi, has confirmed all Tiger stations are on 270.3, and are enroute to Kobuleti

Nebraska - Anaconda has departed USS Kitty Hawk, and has confirmed all Anaconda stations are on 270.3 MHZ and MIDS 4 and are enroute to Kobuleti.

Salmon - Challenge call from Anaconda to Tiger to confirm that both flights are positioned in holding pattern at FL100 and are ready to proceed to target.

Moose - Response to Salmon. Tiger or Anaconda is not ready to proceed.

Grizzly - Response to Salmon. Tiger and Anaconda are ready and cleared to proceed to target.

Yosemite - Tiger has completed it’s bomb run. Both flights to exfil and RTB.

POSITIONS Flight Size And Positions Subject To Change. Sign Ups Available On The Event Signup Page.

Tiger 1 - Spaceman

Tiger 2 -

Anaconda 1- Alien

Anaconda 2- JD

Anaconda 3- Xbox
Anaconda 4- Astro

Waypoint Routing Tiger

WP 0 Batumi N 41 36.304, E 41 36.440

WP 1 Kobuleti N 41 55.742, E 41 51.803

WP 2 IP N 43 2.525, E 40 37.726

WP 3 TGT N 43 5.534, E 40 35.281

Waypoint Routing Anaconda

WP 1 Kobuleti N 41 55.742, E 41 51.803

WP 2 TGT N 43 5.534, E 40 35.281

CV-63 Kitty Hawk TACAN Available 063X REC ONLY FOR EMCON


FIG 1.A Laydown Delivery Profile

BLU-107 B Durandal display - National Museum of the U.S. Air Force.jpg

Fig 2.A BLU-107 Durandal

Fig 3.A SU-27s at the Gudauta Airbase

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