Rethinking my Gameplan: Two Servers to One
So this kinda went unannounced, because I didn’t want to promise something I wasn’t even sure I could do. A while back I reconfigured the CVW-20 Dev Server into a server for CVW-20 Liberty Forge, and the idea was that there would be one server for Telemonian and one for Liberty Forge. Oddly enough we actually did accomplish that goal. Both servers went online, and were running ok, and they both had SRS and everything and it was a grand old time. And I threw it away.
Ok so why? In essence I think I found a better way to handle it. 20 already doesn’t have a massive player base, and It wouldn’t have been smart to split what players we did have into 2 servers. However, this works better for patches too. When one campaign is online, and the other is offline, then it allows for pushing patches to the offline campaign with way more ease. I’m also fairly confident that once you guys get a good taste of Liberty Forge, Telemonian is gonna be pushed to the wayside. LF is fantastically more advanced at actually moving the damn campaign forward. Meaning that you’re presumably going to get more done with less looking for targets, and more bombing.
The biggest issue is something along the lines of there’s gonna be less overhead from one server, and it’ll shake up the gameplay enough to keep things fresh and fun. If it becomes enough of an issue later we can change it, but as it stands I think this is the way to go. In the meantime I think we’ll just reconfigure the second server back to a dev server